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For Development

This guide will help you setup Watcharr for development in your local environment.


This section assumes you will be forking the repo on Github, of course you can alter this section to work with your workflow, but if you intend to create a pull request with your work, it may be difficult if you're not also using Github (I don't know :()).

  1. Fork the repository

    On GitHub you can fork the repository with the 'Fork' button at the top.

    Fork button

  2. Get the code by cloning your fork

    git clone<your username>/Watcharr.git && \
    cd Watcharr

Setting Up Dependencies

You only need to do this once after pulling the codebase for the first time, and again every time the dependencies are changed/updated.

  1. Install frontend dependencies (in the project root folder)

    npm i
  2. Install server dependencies (in the server folder)

    go get .

Running The Code

To run the code, you will need to open up two terminals, one for the frontend and the other for the backend.

  1. Run the frontend (first terminal, in the project root folder)

    npm run dev
  2. Run the server (second terminal, in the project root folder)

    npm run server

    Note: If you're using Windows, running the server can be a little more complicated. You can follow this: which amounts to these steps (the first 3 steps only need to be done once):

    1. Set CGO_ENABLED environment variable with go

      go env -w CGO_ENABLED=1
    2. Install gcc (if you don't already have it installed) from (found from this answer on stackoverflow:

    3. Install server dependencies again with go get . in the server folder.

    4. Manually run the server, setting the MODE environment variable in powershell (from the server folder)

      cmd /V /C "set MODE=DEV&& go run ."
  3. Visit http://localhost:5173/ and setup Watcharr.