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Backing Up

Watcharr cannot handle backing up for you, but its simple structure should make it easy to slide it into your existing backup routine.

Once you have created your first backup, it's recommended that you try restoring from that backup to make sure everything is correct and will work in case you need to restore from it in the future.

Shutdown your server!

Always shutdown Watcharr before backing up its data, otherwise you run the risk of corrupting files (mainly your database).

Simple Steps


This is the recommended way to backup.

Here are the steps that are run daily for the instance.

  1. Shutdown Watcharr.
  2. Copy and backup the entire data folder (default location is ./data, backup whichever folder your server is configured to store its data in).
  3. Start Watcharr.

I call these the simple steps because they simply backup your entire server, if you ever need to restore your server, it will start up from its exact state at backup.

Advanced Steps


Backing up this way is discouraged because new important files could be added later and missed.

If you don't care about the warning not to backup this way, here are the "important" files that you can single out for backup:

  • watcharr.db Your database, holds all users, their watchlists, etc.
  • watcharr.json Server config.
  • img/up Profile picture uploads.
  • img/games Game posters (not exactly important, but scenarios in which this folder is not backed up have not been tested, only relevant for servers with game support enabled).